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what am i supposed to do

Sorry for the late response we are so busy. Its just a prototype Demo. Nothing can be done for the moment there are only visuals and feutures. Next demo is coming soon. So stay tight

how do i acces setting im lagging like crasy

cool gam!

Hey thanks more things are coming we still developing it

I realize this game is still in development but 800MB for a demo? Seriously?

(8 edits)

If you mean its few then because its only a small stage with all render pipeline but if you mean its to big then.. yea the opposite there is some 2K and 4k Textures on it plus designs, animations and mechanics. Beleave us this is a Prototype Demo. The official demo will feature 1 of the 4, first release, districts and all weapons and mechanics of game which will be around 3.5 to 4.5 Gigabytes only the demo which will come in a month or so... Better for everyone i think, right?


Amazing graphics!

(2 edits)

Thank you and thats nothing compared to what we will do to the game there will be more better rendering and a much smoother gameplay at final polishing stage! Don't Forget to Subscribe to our Youtube channel for announcements, news, releases and more!